Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Full Fledged Toddlerhood

Well, I have finally come to the realization that I no longer have a "baby", I am the mother of a toddler. Collin is learning and changing so much, it is sometimes hard to keep up!

  • He is walking and has been for about a month. He almost runs at time and it is so weird to see him walking around sometimes. 
  • His favorite word is "ball", It is usually the first thing he says to us in the morning.
  • He also loves playing with balls. He has ended up with SO many, because he points and says ball at the store and we just HAVE to cave sometimes.
  • We haven't found a food he doesn't like yet. He eats everything we put in front of him unless he isn't feeling good.
  • He has recently learned how to give hugs and they make my day.
  • He has NINE teeth that have broken through, and 3 of those are molars!
  • His sleep schedule is changing a bit and he is starting to wake up earlier in the morning.
  • He has HUGE feet. He is going to be 14 months old this week and is already in a size 6!
  •  He is in 18m-24m clothes.
  • He is a CRAZY sleeper, so we will probaby hold off for about 6-9 months before moving him to a toddler bed. His head USUALLY ends up smashed into the crib rails and we will have to move him.
It is so exciting to see how much he learns and grows.