Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I know it has been awhile since I have updated, and I am sorry. It's hard keeping up with blogging with a little running around everywhere!

Collin is overall doing great. He is the sweetest little boy in the whole wide world and I am so lucky to be his mama. Some updates with him:

- He has to see an allergist on May 9th to be checked out. He has had such bad eczema since he was 4 months old. It finally got so bad that our doctor ordered a blood test to est for allergens. The results came back as positive for allergies to wheat, soy, egg whites, peanuts, oats, and oranges. We are at the point where we don't even know what to do at this point so he is still eating everything  he has been until we see the allergist. Our doctor gave us some cream that has kept his eczema under control, which is great.

- He has such a cute little personality and is getting soooo smart. His newest thing he has learned is to point to himself when we ask him "Who's mama's booger?!" It's adorable.

- He spins himself in circles to make himself dizzy.

Overall, he is just the happiest, giggliest little boy and I love seeing his brought little face every morning :) We are so blessed.

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